Carpet Re-Stretching & Repair for Buckles, Wrinkles & Ripples in your carpet!

Carpet buckles/wrinkles/ripples are unsightly! But most importantly, they ARE A TRIP HAZARD!
Carpet re-stretching is an excellent alternative to completely replacing your carpet. Buckles/wrinkles/ripples are easily smoothed out, saving you the cost of installing a new carpet.
Multi Line Services uses a combination of tools; power stretcher, knee kicker and knee-less kicker to re-stretch and smooth out buckles/wrinkles/ripples. We have re-stretched and repaired hundreds of yards of carpet satisfying many clients who did not have to replace their carpet, therefore saving them thousands of dollars.
In addition to our re-stretching expertise we can seamlessly repair carpets with minimal or no evidence of our repair work.
Repair services including:
- open and ravelled seams
- food and beverage stains
- burns or melted areas in a carpet
- pulled yarns or missing tufts
When done correctly by a certified carpet technician, this will not only save you money, but will add many more years to your carpet